Seachem Reef Builder (ALK) 600g
SKU: SKU17756
Product Description
Reef Builder™ raises carbonate alkalinity without immediately impacting on pH. With long term use there will be a tendency to stabilize at pH 8.3. Carbonates and calcium are essential to all coral growth. If either becomes deficient, coral growth will cease, followed by a rapid decline in coral health. Used as directed, Reef Builder™ will not deplete calcium, magnesium, or strontium which usually tend to precipitate with increasing alkalinity.
Why It’s Different
Unlike the competition, Reef Builder™ contains calcium, magnesium, and strontium to compensate for the inevitable loss which occurs when raising alkalinity. It also contains sufficient magnesium to restore magnesium routinely depleted.
BEGINNER: Use 3 g (half a level teaspoon*) per 150 L (40 gallons*) twice a week. Dissolve in at least 250 mL (1 cup*) of freshwater. Check alkalinity every 2 weeks and adjust amount or frequency accordingly.
ADVANCED: Check alkalinity, then follow addition regimen above until alkalinity is adjusted to 4–5 meq/L. Each 3 g/150 L will raise alkalinity by about 0.25 meq/L. Quantity or frequency can be adjusted, but do not exceed 12 g/150 L per day. Thereafter, use as required to maintain alkalinity.
EXPERT: After determining the alkalinity consumption rate, set up a continuous drip system. Use the following formula to determine how much to add to your top-off water: m=0.08va (m=grams to add to top off water, v=volume of tank in liters, a=amount to raise alkalinity in meq/L). For example, if you want to raise your alkalinity by 1 meq/L in a 200 liter tank, then you would add 0.08x200x1=16 g into the top-off water. [For reference: 1 gallon*=3.8 liters, 6 g=1 teaspoon*].